One thing I have learned in the past year away from my theatre life in New York City is, "you can take the girl out of the most stimulating, creative city, but you can't take the need for such stimulation and creativity out of the girl." Okay, it's wordy, and probably doesn't merit quotation marks, but I think you get what I am saying. This was never more evident to me than last week when most of America was holed up in their homes for an ungodly number of days due to ridiculous amount of snow and ice. At first, I thought it was great. I had been wanting to do some painting, so I slapped on the rest of a sample bucket of paint (Deep Sea Dive) we had on our new living room wall. Just three more to go, when I can get my butt to the paint store again. Felt great. I cooked like a maniac, promptly cleaned up afterward and again felt so calm and productive. By Friday, day 4, I was in need of much more than domestic duties. I viscerally needed to be creative, beyond homemade soup. Beyond finger painting and sand art with my 4 year old daughter. I felt close to losing my mind. So, my little peanut (the 4 year old) and I went outside to play in the snow. She had absolutely no interest in a snow man. She pulled a baby doll around on a make-shift sled, while I focused on my snow man like Michelangelo on David. This wasn't just for fun. I literally felt I needed this snow man to clutch me with his stick arm and hold me back from the brink of insanity. I find it funny now that I referred to David, as my creation was a little phallic at first. So I began an attempt to create a more Dolly Parton snow lady. She's nothing fantastic. Quite simple, actually. But she saved me that day. Peanut had long gone inside before I was done. Dolly was the first snow lady I had ever built on my own.
Just a reminder of how necessary it is to stay in touch with our creative side, no matter what may get in our way. Six to ten inches are forecasted for Wednesday. But even more importantly, how vital it is to create something just for yourself before we fall of the edge.
Love Dolly!! I'm impressed, I tried to make one during the blizzard of "11 but couldn't get one ball to stay intact.