Then I had a child.
When Peanut was an infant, I still held this judgement toward a planned night out between a husband and wife. Well, I didn't judge the night, just the title. I held the belief that we didn't need to be so rigid. We could still be spontaneous. But as Peanut got older and time to connect with Husband got smaller, I found that I was actually jealous of said "date nights". That's because we were never just going out and being spur of the moment. I also realized that none of the ladies I knew who were going on "date night" even owned a pair of khakis. : )
Date night is give its own title because it is actually a huge deal to a couple with children. It's also a huge dent to the pocketbook. Much bigger than any dent a date made pre-child. Childcare cost at least doubles the expense of the night, especially in NYC when travel time is, at the very minimum, one hour of the outing. And to be honest, it's a huge deal because we get to have an uninterrupted conversation, eat yummy gourmet food, drink heavily, and maybe even make out in the cab ride home. I don't know about you, but all of those things just don't tend to happen in my house in one night. That's not a complaint or a strike against Husband, because I love all the other nights of my life with him and Peanut. But finding the time and funding to "date" is not as easy as I used to think. Husband and I try to take advantage of visiting grandparents without being too abusive so that we might whisk away for some alone time. We also try to have post-putting-Peanut-to bed date nights in home, as well. Yet, dates are still too few and far between in this economy and life schedule.
I now hold this once square name in high regard. I love "date night". So what, if it is not spontaneous. Sometimes, planning time to be together, says so much more.
Here's to a Happy Valentine's Day, no matter where or how it was celebrated!!!
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