Friday, February 4, 2011

Blog-Way Debut

I welcome you to the first blog of my life.  Well, I have been entertained, inspired and informed by various blogs for about a year now, but this is my "Blog-way Debut".  Clever?  OK, more like corny.  But that's me.  I am an actress, mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, talker, thinker, vegetarian, and recovering sugar addict who was lucky enough to make her living as a working actor on Broadway from my late twenties to mid-thirties.  I loved every second of it, in hindsight.  While I was there, I hate to admit that I took it much too much for granted.  I mean, it IS a job.  A job that requires, for the most part, that you continue to be a job-seeker even if you have a pretty secure one.  And one I tired of from time to time. However, the theatre community of New York City is this wonderful, colorful, and embracing family that I adore and I will always feel like I am a member. 
Well, marriage and kid, I mean, LIFE has lead me away from that stage to my honestly wonderful home of Oklahoma City.  And now I contemplate, "Hmmmm.  Where does my journey take me from here?"  I have lived my dream of moving to NYC, roughing it, paying dues, making the best of friends, and working on The Great White Way (those last 4 words should be read with fancy accent). What now?  
So I invite you to join me on my journey as I contemplate, joke, rant, and hopefully, inform and inspire.  Oh and by the way, I turn 40 this year, which I will celebrate to the highest!


  1. OMG, I love it. From your poetic, and yes, clever and corny words, to all of us lucky enough to be 'with' you on the other side of the Internet! Write on, my friend!

  2. Tia, I never wold have done this without your encouragement. Thanks for nudging me to take a risk.

  3. Jennifer.. this is wonderful! I am so interested in your perspective and can't wait to read more and more.

  4. Yeah Jen!!! Can't wait to read more!!! Great for you!

  5. This is fantastic! Thanks for inviting us to join you on your journey. So proud of you! When can we expect the next one?

  6. I am not making myself set up a blog schedule. So let it be a pleasant surprise! Thanks y'all!

  7. This is fantastic Jen. I love and miss you. Okay I gotta know how you recovered from sugar???? I've always been a sugar addict and now 33 weeks pregnant I'm worse than ever. With Baby Leo I never put an ounce of junk in my body, had an aversion to meat and craved nothing but healthy, whole foods. I feel so bad/guilty/disappointed in myself this pregnancy bc all I want is hostess chocolate donuts, fudge brownie sundaes, dbl choc milano cookies....I could go on here but I'll stop. I've read every health book out there, know good and well what's good for my body and happen to love health food and yet I still make the choice to put this total crap in my body. So how did you do it???

    Big hug to Brian and Sohpie- hope all is well in OK.

    Your "cooch sista" in St. Louie

  8. congrats on taking the plunge into the blogosphere. I will continue to draft my own blogposts in my head. Love hearing about you and your life. Miss you. xo Margaret
