Friday, April 1, 2011

No More Excuses!!!

It amazes me how easy it is for me to talk myself out of what I want.  I'm not talking about a new pair of wedges ( I have a deep love for them) and a new dress, or even a cup of Starbucks. 
 I am talking about my 
 As soon as I figure out what I want, my thoughts go straight to how it won't work, or won't happen, or how difficult it would be.  It's a horrible habit. I wonder how many others out there are like me in this way.  When I was younger, I wouldn't bat an eye at anything I'd want.  I'd hop on a plane to go to an audition.  I'd drive to unknown places to for a long shot chance at my dream.  But as I got older, I started focusing more on possible obstacles instead of possible victories.  I hate that.  I miss the younger me who'd just take a running leap into the vast unknown and embrace it while I am flying.  Nike's campaign of JUST DO IT speaks to me, because I find so many excuses not to.  
Just Do It.  
Don't calculate.  Don't make a positive and negative list. 
 Just Do It.  
My Dear, talented writer/actress/super-mom, Friend  suggested this book called "Begin With Yes".  It's a simple book that offers suggestions to get energy moving in your favor by taking action every day. Now, I have believed and studied the law of attraction for a few years now.  But there is something about that title that really speaks to me.  Like "Just Do It".   It has been lovingly brought to my attention by Husband that I usually begin with, "Ehhhhh.  I don't know.   It probably won't work because of x, y and z!".  What a horrible title that would make for a book.  Well, that could have been my biography.  
So these past few weeks I have caught myself with a mouthful of excuses.  I am glad to say that I am acquiring a distaste for them.  I am grateful that I have loving and supportive people in my life like Husband and Dear Friend who will guide me, advise me, and call me on my sh*t stuff.  Though, it is true, Husband has been kindly putting up helping me with this part of myself for years and I didn't really change until Dear Friend stepped in.  Instead I gave Husband excuses for why I was making excuses.  Yeah, I was that bad! 
Last week, I decided to attend an audition in Dallas.  Recently, I have not had positive experiences in this area of my dreams.  As was my modus operandi, I thought of all the ways I couldn't do the gig, be away from family, be near family, and juggle motherhood and career.  Then I stopped myself mid-negative rant and decided to begin with yes.  I went to the audition.  It proved to be a lovely, lovely, lovely experience that renewed my faith in theater folk and myself.  I don't think I will get a call from them this time.  But I do want to pursue future employment with them.  Most of all, I shall continue to begin with yes.  Dr. Wayne Dyer, an author ("Excuses Begone" and many other amazing books) and teacher I deeply respect says, "When you correct your mind, everything else falls into place." I will continue to correct where my thoughts are going and let the rest fall into place.


  1. Jennifer this is so amazing and beautiful! I LOVE THAT YOU ARE DOING THIS!! You are such an amazing woman.

    One of my favorite Wayne Dyer quotes is "Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change." I remind myself of that often.

    Thanks for sharing your breakthroughs; it's inspiring!

  2. LOVE this post Ms Marcum!! A timely reminder indeed...

    The great thing about taking a look at the way we tend to operate is that we soon realize our dear friends and loved ones already see the life for us that we might find improbable...

    So much better when we can begin to see for ourselves what others already know we can be/have/do!

    Please keep writing...I love your blog!!

  3. Just the pep talk that I needed today! Thank you Jen! xoxo

  4. I love catching up on your blog...and this one really hit home! I so often remember the 12 year old girl who was fearless of nothing (all too often my father reminds of this as well). What happens to those unabashed spirits? Squelched and squashed as life as an adult takes shape. So sad but this post spoke volumes and reminded me to relish in that little girl and try to get her back if even just a "little". Thanks!!!
