Monday, January 16, 2012


"What's your intention with my sister?"  This was a question my protective older brother posed to Husband upon their first meeting 15 years ago.  Husband came to visit me in Dallas, not long after we began dating and what started out as a simple family lunch turned into an inquisition.  Husband handled it very well and passed with flying colors.  

INTENTION.  Such a strong word. I think of intention as having a clear and specific understanding of why someone is doing something. There is power in that.  Not puffed up, put your chest out, strut around town kind of power, for that's not power at all. I am writing of grounded, centered, confident power.  I don't know about you, but I certainly lived the first 30 some odd years of my life with little intention.  Basically, I woke up each day still asleep, going through the usual motions, regurgitating what others had told me I should do and believe. Sure, I had hopes and dreams.  But it was more like I prayed hard, crossed my fingers, took a deep breath and closed my eyes in hopes that said dream might happen.  That's not intention. It's just exhausting.

Intention isn't a to do list that you check off.  I intend to buy groceries. Check. I intend to swing by Target and spend less than $50 (good luck). Check.  No. Intention is a mind set, a life style, a vision.  So what if that means that you might have a big poster board on your fridge filled with cut outs from magazines that express your goals and dreams. Take a step toward intention. Maybe you think that's all spiritual mumbo-jumbo, but it beats waking up again with that heaviness on your chest because you will start another day filled with questioning and doubt, wondering when life is gonna throw you a bone.

Intention means I will not say, "Well, we'll just see how it all works out", followed by a deep sigh.  No more finger crossing here.  I will be encouraged by the words of Marianne Williamson who reminds me that "I am a child of God.  My playing small does not serve the world." You cannot be small and have intention. Remember? Power.

Here's my intention for the new year. Each day. 
I came to win. To fight (for peace, love and goodness). To conquer (fear and hatred). To thrive (that's my favorite). To prosper. To rise. To fly. 
If those words are familiar to you at all, you are much cooler than me, as you recognize the hit by Rihanna and Nicki Minaj.  I have added a few of my own intentions to join them.  

By the way, fifteen years ago, Husband had very clear intentions with me and I am happier for it. : )

This is written as a part of my dear friend's blog, Not Just Another Jen.  She does a word of the month and this month was INTENTION.  Be sure to check her out.  She's beautiful, funny, open and constantly inspires me.


  1. LOVE, lOvE, LoVe, love! From, "That's not intention. It's just exhausting." to "Remember. Power?" YES! Way to put it out there girlfriend. Love your contribution, your voice and of course, the compliments. {BIG HUG} xoxo
