Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lessons from Peanut

One day shortly after I learned that I was pregnant with Peanut, I was driving down a Tennessee highway behind a horse trailer, and I realized that I would probably be there when this child I was carrying would learn what a horse was.  A simple thought, yet it was a huge moment for me. Obviously, I have seen Peanut discover many other things beyond horses, and it has been a treat.  Too often in my parenthooding (new word), I have focused on what I am teaching her and what lessons she is learning.  I try to strike up conversations in the car about choosing friends, being kind, sharing with other less fortunate, etc.  Let's face it.  I have a wealth of vast wisdom that she needs to glean from me every available second, right?  Hmmm.
This weekend, we went antiquing.  Peanut loves it.  If there was money to be made as an obscure doll-finder, she'd be our million dollar kid. I love that about her.  I stood in this giant antique hall and heard myself say for the 50th time, "Come on.  We are moving along now.  You have to stay with us."  Yada, yada, yada.  I hate those phrases coming out of my mouth so much.  So I stopped.  And I let her teach me.  She showed me the beauty of slowing down so you don't miss something that could be quite special.  Peanut Life Lesson #1.  She taught me that just because something was originally made to be some sort of thing-a-ma-jig for a car battery, doesn't mean it can't be a perfect pretend thermometer for a sick dolly. Many things have many uses if we open our minds and play.  Peanut Life Lesson #2. She demonstrated the wonder of discovery.  Seeing giant Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls were a big thing and merited an in depth conversation with them, no matter who might be watching or listening.  No need to filter oneself or be self-conscious. Peanut Life Lesson #3. On the way home she was singing along to a Broadway Kids album like she was making her debut on the Great White Way. Whatever you love to do, do it with complete abandon. Peanut Life Lesson #4.  So I will be paying more attention to this adorable little teacher because she has a lot to teach me and I have a lot to learn. Peanut Life Lesson #5.

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